Thursday 10 September 2015

All packed!

Final two activities tomorrow, lunch then home! 

Million pound drop

Mist has lifted

The sun decided to join us this afternoon!

Zip wire

Everyone completed the zip wire challenge

First arrow!

Vertical challenge

Ready for archery

Vertical challenge

This looks fun!! 

We have been on the zip wire!

Zip wire


Official timekeeper for the Areroball games!

Ready to abseil

Still misty


Early Breakfast

 Early breakfast. Zip wire and low ropes this morning. Very misty! 

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Passport activity

Waiting for the final scores following the evening activity! 

Challenge course

Getting hooked up

Mrs Hoos pays a visit

We were all excited to see Mrs Hoos today. 

Ready for the Giant Swing

Giant Swing

Mrs Scott enjoyed the giant swing!

It floats!


Ready to launch!


Mr Logan supplying the muscle!

Working hard